Decorate Your Walls with These Alternatives to Basic Frames

Decorate Your Walls with These Alternatives to Basic Frames
You have a lot of décor for your walls, but you’re getting a little tired of using the same old basic black frames. Make sure your favourite photos get the attention they deserve with these stylish alternatives.
Mounted plaques
If you like the look of gallery walls, turning your photos into mounted plaques is a sleek option that allows you to try different layouts to suit the size of your wall. A few removable strips to the back will also make removal and rearrangement a breeze, no nails or backing wire required.
Canvas Wraps
If you have a wide wall and a lot of blank space, canvas wraps could be the perfect solution. The texture of canvas can be very forgiving for low-resolution photos, and the process is substantially cheaper than professional framing for a piece of the same size. You’ll have a great conversation piece in your home and a piece that will surely last for years to come.
Hanging Poster Frame
A modern twist on old-fashioned tapestry hangings, these sleek poster frames are as simple as a wooden strip on the top and bottom of your poster to keep it in place. It’s sleek and unobtrusive, so if you’re tight on space and want to maximize the look of your poster or photo, this could be the best solution. The wooden strips are held together by magnets, so you’ll have no problem switching out the poster to suit your mood.
Photo light strings
Polaroids are making a comeback, and if you want to display these in a fun way, grab some string lights and a handful of clothespins. Affix your lights to the wall with small hooks or non-marking tape and pin your photos along the line – it’s that easy!
Floating glass frames
If you want the structure of frames but want to avoid the wood edges and thick mats, floating glass frames are sleek, modern looking and fit in well with any design style. Since the photo or print can sit however you’d like it to in the frame, this is also a great option if you have something that doesn’t fit the standard frame sizes.
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